Rebellion and Redemption

(January, February, March 2016)

Want to learn more about Rebellion and Redemption? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 13-part series.

Introduction: How did sin begin? The Bible records that Adam and Eve were created by God. Why would God create something flawed, something that had the potential for sin in it? The Bible also records that Adam and Eve had help entering into sin. The "help" came in...

Introduction: Our study this week comes with two strikes against it. First, when we see a familiar story our immediate reaction is to think "I already know about this." Second, many Christians disbelieve the creation account. They might not say, "God lied to us,"...

Introduction: In our first lesson of this series we discovered how sin began in heaven. Next, we learned how the instigator of sin in heaven, who had been tossed out of heaven, spread the sin problem to God's perfect creation on our earth: Adam and Eve. This week we...

Introduction: Do you deal with fear? Do you struggle with a lack of faith and a lack of faithfulness? I know that I do. A couple of months ago, I was scheduled to argue before a U.S. Court of Appeals - a court directly below the U.S. Supreme Court. That created f...

Introduction: What does God require of you? Micah 6:8 answers, "To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." The examples we studied this week and the last of God's leaders of old, might make you wonder how they fit Micah's answer. What comes across...

Introduction: If a really important world heavy weight boxing match is scheduled, I try to watch it. I just watched some very exciting football (American football) contests. You probably like to watch contests. What if you had a personal interest in the contest? I'...

Introduction: Have you given anything more than a superficial look at the "Great Controversy" idea? On the surface it is the battle between good and evil, between Jesus and Satan. Drill deeper. Isn't the great controversy about understanding the nature of God? Isn't that w...

Introduction: Do you separate your work from your religious practice? Some people think they are separate spheres of life. When I was in college, I briefly worked in a trailer factory during the summer. My work crew harassed me about being a "college boy" and about my rel...

Introduction: Two weeks ago we learned that the central foundation for our Christian life is understanding the nature of God. He cares for us more than loving parents care about their children. Getting that straight is fundamental. Another central truth is how to understa...

Introduction: How important is the church? I hear claims that being in nature is as good, if not better, than being in church. There is a real blessing in nature, but it is a different blessing than regularly attending church. We learn this week that we are all in sin tog...

Introduction: This week we look at something we have studied many times, the issue of grace and works. From my point of view, we cannot study this topic too much. It is not that grace is so complicated, but rather that our lives are complicated when we deal with practical...

Introduction: What do you think about the book of Revelation? Do the scary beasts stand out in your mind? How about deep mysteries regarding the future? We turn our attention this week to a different part of Revelation, the part that deals with God's advice to the Christi...

Introduction: This is the last in our series of lessons about Rebellion and Redemption. The good news is that we wrap things up with the great news about our redemption and our eternal destination. Let's dive into our study and get a boost of encouragement!...