
(October, November, December 2017)

Want to learn more about Romans? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 13-part series.

Introduction: Have you wanted to travel somewhere and life kept getting in the way? When you finally traveled there, it was a real joy, right? Or, maybe not. What if the trip involved seeing relatives you had never before met, or a relative that you had not seen...

Introduction: This will be a shock. Our lesson this week, our second lesson in our study of Romans, has no readings in Romans! Here is what we are doing, and I think you will agree this is a good idea: to better help us understand Paul's letter to the Romans we ar...

Introduction: Have you ever thought about how much a belief in righteousness by faith shapes your entire view of God? Consider that righteousness by faith (grace) means that all human effort is flawed. Only God is perfect. This not only says something about how I...

Introduction: Have you had someone disrespect you? Have you disrespected others? Many years ago, I was trying to mediate a very difficult problem that arose between church members. At one point a church member called me a profane name. I knew he did not mean it...

Introduction: Do you have one belief that is at odds with the rest of your beliefs? For example, are all of your cars made by Chevrolet, but you always buy a Ford truck? That is how many of you may view the lesson this week. My father taught me to work hard and fa...

Introduction: Would you like to have more peace in your life? Worry, dread, anxiety, and apprehension are major factors in the lives of many people. The gospel promises peace. But, why is that? One main reason is that God loves us. The Ruler of the Universe loves...

Introduction: Two weeks ago we learned that Jesus died to justify "the wicked" ( Romans 4:5). That is great news, but it might lead us to conclude, "wicked is fun" (at least for the moment), so I can be wicked and saved. That is not the conclusion Paul wants us to...

Introduction: Romans 7 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. That may seem odd to you. Why not pick a chapter that pours out praise to God? Why not pick a chapter that promises peace and joy? I like those kinds of chapters too. The reason why I like Roman...

Introduction: Let's review Paul's teaching for a minute. In Romans 5 Paul tells us that we are given eternal life as a result of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. Next, in Romans 6, Paul explains that this gift of grace does not mean that we should go on...

Introduction: Do you have friends or family that deliberately make your life difficult? Have they also rejected your faith? How do you feel about them? You want them to be saved and stop trying to hurt you? Paul feels this way about the Jewish people. He wants th...

Introduction: In many ways the Gospel of Jesus is completely different than traditional culture. Hard work, self-sufficiency, getting points for wanting to do things right even though you have it wrong - these are all contradicted by our study today when it comes...

Introduction: Recall that last week Paul was concerned about his fellow Jewish countrymen? He wanted them all to be saved, but their failure to follow God's will had a positive side: it made it possible for Paul's special mission to the Gentiles. Paul wrote that...

Introduction: We come to the last study in our series on the book of Romans. This book is a blessing! As a practical matter, we will end with Romans 14 and not be able to cover that last two chapters of Romans. One of my favorite chapters in the Bible is Romans 14...