Want to learn more about Preparation for the End Times? Use these Bible Studies for personal devotion, group Bible studies, or teaching a church class. Below are links to the lessons in this 13-part series.
Introduction: While driving on the freeway this weekend, I took into account what a driver was doing two lanes away. His actions created a chain of events that ended up affecting me. I mentioned to my wife that I try to keep track of all of the cars around me. Sh...
Introduction: Do you tend to focus on the little things of life? Do these "little things" cause you to modify your view of God? If your country were invaded and defeated, if you were taken as a slave by the invaders, would you call those "little things?" Probably...
Introduction: Last week we studied how God gave Daniel the meaning of a vision that predicted the future, right up to the end of the world! The book of Revelation, among other things, also tells us about the end of the world. When we think about Revelation, we may visualiz...
Introduction: What separates true Christianity from every other religious belief system in the world? It is that Christians understand that they are saved by faith alone, and not by their works. Other religious systems involve some sort of work to "purify" your life or pl...
Introduction: In my youth I was taught the entire Bible, not just the New Testament. The Old Testament was about keeping the law, the New Testament was about Jesus. My impression was that the two testaments were much different. The Old emphasized salvation by works and the...
Introduction: What is the goal of the Christian life? Isn't it to bring glory to God? How do we bring glory to God in the midst of the controversy raging between good and evil? We learned two weeks ago that part of the end time message is that Babylon is fallen. Revelati...
Introduction: Would you like to know when Jesus will come again? Jesus' disciples wanted to know! Their problem was that they were not skilled lawyers who could construct a clear question about the end of time. Jesus, no doubt, understood their confusion about His Second...
Introduction: An important part of the end time gospel message is that God is our Creator. Is this something that we have to take on faith? Is it a message that is contrary to science? Let's dive into the Bible and see what it declares about God in His role as our Creator...
Introduction: Do you sometimes have a difficult time measuring danger? When the Internet first began, I made sure that all sorts of contact information for me was available because I thought the Internet was the future of information sharing. Now, I realize that...
Introduction: How good are you at putting together a jigsaw puzzle? You might begin by trying to match the color and pattern, then you make sure the shape is right. Getting the right piece is not always easy. Our lesson this week reminds me of a jigsaw puzzle. We are goin...
Introduction: Do you like signs or symbols showing that you belong to a certain group? I used to have a sticker on my car window for Andrews University, the school three generations of my family attended. I have Corvette hats, a shirt and a jacket. Of course, I have clo...
Introduction: Two of the best known names in Revelation are "Babylon the Great" and "Armageddon." Is Babylon the Great a power, a place, a state of mind, or what? What is so great about it? If Armageddon is a final battle, where does it take place? Who are the comb...
Introduction: Do you recall being pulled over by the police because you were violating the traffic laws? How did you feel? A car followed me very closely while I was driving to church, even though I was traveling the speed limit. We were going through a residential area a...